Thursday, June 02, 2005

A May Update

The month of May seemed to be the wildest month of my life. A couple that we love very much were married on May 14th. This trip back home was great because we were able to spend time with our family and friends, however this trip provided little rest for us.
Also, our church has been engaged in this stewardship of life campaign, which has consumed much of my time. This campaign is to raise money to expand our church facility. Through this we have been teaching what God's Word has to say about money and stewardship. I feel like I have been through the ringer as far as my personal spiritual growth. When dealing with money it seems that I think I have everything figured out. Lately God has been teaching me that the money and "stuff" that I have is not really mine, but I am rather a manger of it all. This principle seems simple enough, but actually making it work in real life is much harder.
As we come off this emotional roller coaster in May, dealing with some personal issues, we face some very difficult issues at church including: births, deaths, and a wide array of general problems. I was given the greatest honor by a church, which was to be ordained as a Pastor. This confirmation of the calling in my life was one that I am very humbled by.
I forgot to add Kristi and I also drove back home another weekend in May to see my brother, whom I am very proud of, graduate.
All of this is to say that May was a very busy month. But now as I sit here on the second day of June, I am filled with an overwhelming sense of peace. God has taught me and stretched me, but all the while he has comforted me. As we are about to ask our church members for a commitment, I can't help but once again rest in the arms of the loving Father.

Lord, I want to say simply: Thank You.

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