I have some things I wanted to talk about but all them are really short so I thought I would put all of them in one post.
1. Well I was really excited about the Cubs going 9 straight. I thought they could keep it going, but they lost last night to the Padres 2-1. Oh, well it is a lot of pressure to keep a long winning streak and they are still in first place. Go Cubs!
2. I have been keeping up with some of the election coverage and I think if so funny that the Democrats have elected a man that no experience. I would vote for Hilary over
Obama any day because at least she has some experience. I know that Hilary supporters are fuming and most will be voting for McCain, which is good news.
3. Season Finale season is all but over, this one was weak because of the writers strike and now we are facing an acting strike, what's that about? Anyway the Office season finale was amazing. I hope Dwight and Angela get back together. The Lost finale was also awesome, but still have a lot of questions, but I guess that is nature of the beast. I also caught a little of the Grey's finale as my wife was watching it (I was trying it ignore it). That show gets on my last nerve. I can't believe they ended with those two girls kissing. I am glad I don't watch that show anymore (or at least I try not to).
4. The most exciting news for the week is that we won our softball game this week. I am on the church team and we play in a city league. Last year we went 0-12, OUCH! But we redeemed ourselves, sort of, by winning our first game 7-4.
5. My family and I are going to Indianapolis, IN for the Southern Baptist Convention. I am excited to hear the speakers and her all of the good and bad resolutions. The kind of resolutions that are bad are ones that have the language of forces repentance. For instance someone calls on all
SBC churches to repent of such and such. Those annoy me, isn't repentance
supposed to come from the person or church's heart, not a forced resolution. Anyway, I am excited.