Monday, March 26, 2007

Manning on SNL: the fall of a man crush

I had this "man crush" on Peyton Manning, but it all fell apart when I saw him on Saturday Night Live. He was okay, pretty funny in some skits, but the thing that really broke my man crush was his use of crude language. I know that he not some perfect Christian guy, but come on. Doesn't he realize that a lot of fan are young kids. I wish he would have cussed but he did and now my man crush is severely hurt.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Gotcher Family Update


I recently took a job at Oakhill Baptist Church in Evansville, IN. I am the associate pastor of students and education. If you want our updated address and phone just email me at We are very excited to be here and can't wait to see how God will use us in Evansville. Check out

What Up With This?

I am not schooled the legal field and know very little about being a judge, but come on. I am smart enough to know that this Judge that has basically repealed the Online Child Protection Law on the basis of free speech rights.

NY Time Article; since when did freedom of speech include porn?

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Gotcher Baby Blog

I know this is a long time coming, my family has been hounding me for a long time to post some more pics of the baby. So here it is, an entire blog devoted to Syd. Check out